
M City Group


Choosing the right countertop is one of the most important aspects of kitchen. It’s an investment you want to last for years to come. Each option has different characteristics and knowing them can help you choose the best one for your needs.

hree or four years ago, granite ruled the kitchen countertop.  Granite is available in a range of dark and light colors with all sorts of flecks and variations. Select the color and pattern  that suits your home aesthetic . Another unique feature of granite is that it can be cut with a variety of edge choices, including square, beveled, ogee (which is an S-shape), and half and full bullnose. Granite countertops require very little maintenance and are easy to take care of. Granite is also heat-resistant, making it an ideal choice for the kitchen. But now new tests have taken the place of granite.  The reasons why granite became popular were its resistance to stains and good durability.  But when innovations came along that offered the same elements along with some other features, the love for granite waned.  Due to scarcity of granite, granite is being polished and sold as granite .This also led people away from granite.  Granite is still popular among common people. However, kitchens are starting to think differently when it comes to countertops.

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M City Group Has Started Operation As A Real Estate Venture Known As ( M City ) Under The Aegis Of The Group’s First Concern MHC Constitution (Pvt) Ltd In 2019. Mamun Hasan Is A Founder Of M City Group. 

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