
M City Group

2292sq Ft Double Floored Home

Here in this post we share best amenities built in a way that is financially affordable for a common man. The main aim of the designer was to build home with essential facilities in a lower budget.This home is designed to be built in 2292 Square Feet.This 2292 sq. ft house includes a sit out,common bathroom, 6 bedrooms, living, kitchen, dining and Balcony .Here we made use of open type interior .Thus the space is maximum utilized .

The living and dining room are spacious and are the part of hall .There are 3 bedrooms on the ground floor and 3 on the first floor . All Bedrooms are spacious too.

Total area: 2292sq ft

Ground Floor is designed in 1275 Sq ft

  • Bedroom: 3
  • common bathroom: 1
  • Car porch
  • living room
  • dining room
  • kitchen
  • store
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M City Group Has Started Operation As A Real Estate Venture Known As ( M City ) Under The Aegis Of The Group’s First Concern MHC Constitution (Pvt) Ltd In 2019. Mamun Hasan Is A Founder Of M City Group. 

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